Tag: Oil

Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs Counter Bearish Gross on U.S. Debt

Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. are dropping bets against Treasuries.

Economic growth is falling short of forecasts and market participants may need to reduce their yield predictions, Jim Caron, the New York-based global head of interest-rate strategy at Morgan Stanley, wrote in a report yesterday. Goldman Sachs cited Federal Reserve comments and a slower-than-forecast pace of inflation in a report the same day.

The Basics of Oil Trading

You can make Money in Oil trading at home. You can start Investing in oil through one of the oil brokers, who provide the trader with trading software and market analyses. The Oil Market is very complex market but there are ways for you to learn the market. To get a better understanding of the basics we will explain some simple steps to get a better understanding of the basics.

Oil could reach $300 a Barrel

If the entire Middle East falls under radical control – we could be looking at $300-a-barrel oil and pump prices of $9.57 a gallon. Definitely a stunner.

U.S. oil prices yesterday (Tuesday) hit their highest levels since September 2008 as investors reacted to fears that Middle East tumult would spread from Libya to such key Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) as Iran and Saudi Arabia. But never fear: Even if the Middle East melts down and oil prices soar, there are moves you can make to hedge away your risk.

With Egypt in Turmoil, Oil and Food Prices Climb

The turmoil in Egypt is causing economic jitters across the globe, pushing up food and oil prices so far, but bigger worries are ahead.
The unrest already has affected U.S. energy prices.

The average price for a gallon of regular gasoline in the U.S. was $3.12 on Friday – up 2.4 cents just in the past week. Analysts expect prices to stay above $3 a gallon – the highest since 2008 – and probably go higher until the conflict in Egypt is resolved and Mideast tensions ease.

Oil prices hovered at about $90 a barrel over the past week. Some analysts predicted the Egyptian crisis will lead to $100 per barrel prices sooner rather than later.
Traders worry the unrest might spread to oil-producing countries in the region and even affect shipments through the Suez Canal. Egypt is not a major oil producer, but it controls the canal and a nearby pipeline that together carry about 2 million barrels of oil a day from the Middle East to customers in Europe and the United States.