Tag: Currency

A Rescue Plan for the U.S. Economy

Money Morning Executive Editor William Patalon III, Fitz-Gerald took the time to outline that eight-point rescue plan for the U.S. economy. In that plan, the changes Fitz-Gerald calls for include:
• Cuts in federal spending.
• Pension reforms at all levels.
• A halt to weak-dollar policies.
• And a realization by Washington that it’s time to take China much more seriously.
In Part I of this interview, which appeared yesterday (Thursday), Fitz-Gerald assessed the health of the U.S. and global economies, provided his outlook for the U.S. stock market and for commodity prices, and even offered an investment strategy for 2011.

National Futures Association (NFA)

The NFA (National Futures Association) is an organization within the U.S futures market that was created in 1982. It is industry-wide and is self regulated. The NFA fills many roles and purposes within the commodities and futures market, but its main role is the protection of investors. This is accomplished by the many programs, services, and rules that have been developed over the years by the organization.


Diversification in investment is a risk management technique. It mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio. It is the spreading out of investments to reduce risks. Because the fluctuations of a single security have less impact on a diverse portfolio, diversification minimizes the risk from any one investment.

Pay off the Back Taxes and the house is yours

Getting a deed for a foreclosed home by just paying the back taxes is possible, but usually requires a little extra cash ($200 or so). Here’s the easiest and cheapest way to get those deeds, outside the auction, and with very little competition.

Forex Scalping

Forex scalping is a popular method in making fast cash! Scalping is opening and closing a position in seconds the shorter the period the less exposure to risk.