The fact of the matter of the matter is that Facebook shares will almost certainly disappoint investors who participate in the IPO, because the prices being bandied about simply don’t reflect the numerous risks that are also part and parcel of the business. Here are five numbers that highlight some of those significant risks:
Category: Investing
Make Money Selling Money
Consider trading foreign currencies, which just a couple of decades ago was an option mostly restricted to big money investors. Now, it’s widely available to the general public, and generating increasing interest.
These High-Tech IPOs Are Fueling the Nasdaq Rally
From the depths of the 2009 bottom, the Nasdaq is up 139%, hitting levels it hasn’t seen in more than 10 years.
In the last three months alone, the bellwether index is up nearly 19% — outpacing the 12% gain in the S&P 500.
But here’s the thing: It’s not all about Apple.
The high-tech IPO market is practically on fire. One of them is Jive Software (NASDAQ: JIVE).
Since Jive debuted last December, shares have jumped 25% from the offering price on the first day.
Since then, the stock has done nothing but power ahead. At the close of trading Thursday, Jive had nearly doubled in less than four months!
Trading Pick-Up Masks Investment Bank Pain Ahead
A pick-up in trading revenue in the first quarter of 2012 disguises a chilling future for investment banks who need to drastically cull their business under new regulation.
Alternative Investments
After the stock market’s crazy patch, experts show how to best use the so-called alternative mutual funds flooding the market.