Trading currency in foreign exchange markets, or FOREX, the world’s largest securities market is available to anyone with small capital. The essence of foreign currency trading is simple. You buy one country’s currency with that of another country. If the exchange rate changes in your favor, you buy the original currency back at a profit.
Educate yourself on how the foreign exchange markets work…
Tag: Investment
Trading Pick-Up Masks Investment Bank Pain Ahead
A pick-up in trading revenue in the first quarter of 2012 disguises a chilling future for investment banks who need to drastically cull their business under new regulation.
Alternative Investments
After the stock market’s crazy patch, experts show how to best use the so-called alternative mutual funds flooding the market.
How to Invest $20, $100, and $1,000 (and More)
Drips may be one of the surest, steadiest ways to build wealth over your lifetime (just make sure you keep good records for tax purposes
ارتفاع اسعار الاسهم عالميا مع انتعاش الآمال بحل ازمة الدين الاوروبية
ارتفعت اسعار الاسهم في البورصات العالمية بقوة بعد انتعاش الامال بشأن الاتفاق المتوقع بين الزعماء الاوروبيين وصندوق النقد الدولي على حزمة الانقاذ الشاملة لحل ازمة المديونية في منطقة اليورو.