Tag: Finance

Hedging Silver

Silver – like gold – has enjoyed a high-octane surge. But what now? How do you keep chasing the profits that inflation is sure to bring without risking the loss of those profits should silver prices reverse? Well, options expert Larry D. Spears last week showed investors how to hedge against a possible decline in the price of gold – and this week he’s back to do the same ….

The Earthquake and the FX Market

The tragedy in Japan is only just now beginning to be understood as various reports come in of thousands of deaths, massive flooding, and nuclear facilities that are in danger. Because of this, traders will have to be pragmatic as far as how they approach the FX markets, especially when it comes to the Yen.

A Rescue Plan for the U.S. Economy

Money Morning Executive Editor William Patalon III, Fitz-Gerald took the time to outline that eight-point rescue plan for the U.S. economy. In that plan, the changes Fitz-Gerald calls for include:
• Cuts in federal spending.
• Pension reforms at all levels.
• A halt to weak-dollar policies.
• And a realization by Washington that it’s time to take China much more seriously.
In Part I of this interview, which appeared yesterday (Thursday), Fitz-Gerald assessed the health of the U.S. and global economies, provided his outlook for the U.S. stock market and for commodity prices, and even offered an investment strategy for 2011.